Excerpted from live blog (click here)


[Taipei, 11:49 AM 3/21/14] – We have an exclusive interview with student leader Lin Fei-Fan.  我們跟學生代表林飛帆的專訪:


March 1990, students gathered in front of the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial, demanding democracy to be implemented in Taiwan. March 2014, a new generation of students gathered in front of the Legislative Yuan, still demanding democracy to be implemented in Taiwan.

We caught up with one of the student leaders Lin Fei-Fan for a few precious seconds on Friday morning. He had urged President Ma Ying-jeou to meet with the students and respond to their demands, and it was only hours before the noon deadline. He said the students want to rescind the agreement to liberalize trade in services with China, and to freeze further talks with China until parliament legislate a law to regulate and oversee all such talks.

But with an eye looking back at the 1990 students, whose Wild Lily Movement resulted in the first nation-wide elections of the legislature and the President, he said that representative democracy in Taiwan is still broken, and must be fixed. We didn’t get into how it could or should be fixed, but he promised that depending on how the President responds, their movement is not over yet.

March 2014, our generation of students stormed and occupied the Legislative Yuan–Day 3 and counting.



周五一早,我們很幸運的和學生代表林飛帆通上電話。沒有太多的時間,但是他和我們解釋了希望和馬英九總統能有談話。 也對日後類似貿易協定和台灣所面臨的憲政問題提出見解。 談話時已是距離學生們對總統所設下的最後通牒只剩不到六小時。
